Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You know you've had an epic five weeks when....

On the eve of my return to the Southern Hemisphere, I sit in my hotel room, procrastinating packing, and thinking about how epic the past five weeks of my life have been. From the very small things, to the huge things, there are so many ways to finish this sentence, here's just a few...

You know you've had an epic five weeks when...

....you can't remember the last time you used a fork.
...you've set your feet upon five extraordinarily different countries. 
...you've met and had conversations with people from 16 different countries. And counting.
...you've seen the himalayas.
...you've visited people you haven't seen in years.
...you've been on nine airplanes, operated by five different airlines.
...you've been caught in a monsoon rain.
...you are still alive after crossing the street in China and Nepal.
...you know your bag is 10 kilos over the weight limit for Jetstar.
...you haven't felt hungry. At all.
...you've laughed so hard you've cried on multiple occasions.
...you've got money in your pocket at the end of it.

...you're returning home yet again transformed. But this time, you're excited about it.