Tuesday, July 21, 2009

An update...

I dont know how to start this post. I guess I'll just....start typing....?

Due to...circumstances...I will most likely be travelling to China about six weeks earlier than originally planned.

This means...
...I have six less weeks to work my butt off and raise the money. This puts heaps more pressure on me and my bank account.
...I will be away for (and working on) Christmas day. Not only away from my family and friends and people I love and church and turkey and laughter, I will be in a country where Christianity is illegal, punishable by inprisionment, tourture and death, therefore Christmas is....not at all recognised.

So what Im asking for...
...prayer. Knowing that you are there praying with me and for me is a good feeling. They are so felt, even now.
...support. Being around for me to freak out with, and to get excited with. To share with and talk with.
...love. Being you, loving me through my craziness leading up to this.

Of course, none of this is set in stone yet. This might all be a false alarm, but Im preparing for it not to be false at all. Im still more excited than Ive ever been in my entire life, and Im still trusting God more than I ever have in my entire life.

I promise to keep you posted.

x becks

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Grace. Love. Faith. Life.

I've just found this little thing I once wrote to a friend when she was a new Christian. It's so random, but I find it really encouraging, especially after the hidiously ugly week I've had. I hope yoy find some encouragement in it too, but once again, this is mostly me having a good rant at myself.

Ok, here goes...

Life will still suck sometimes, but it'll be peachy too!

Grace is amazing. Theres nothing you can do to make God love you more...so dont try...and nothing you can do to make God love you less...so dont try!

Love is unconditional. You dont have earn His love. The fight has already been fought.

And faith..is challenging. Faith is being sure of what we cant see.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Bricks

"It made me think of all the times God has thrown bricks at me, beacuse I'd missed His simple, loving, soft spoken words."
-Me. Last week in "Bricks".
Today a rather large 'brick' was thrown at me. And I have to say, it hurt and will definately leave a bruise (for once, not in the literal sense of the word...). I'm still, at 2am, racking my brain, trying to find what I've missed in the last....I don't know, six months, that's led the One that loves me most to throw such a large...brick. Of course He loves me more than I will ever understand. Of course He knows better than me. I am disgustingly human, and have been constantly reminded of that several times this week.
Human. Bruised by a brick today.