Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Looking through my journal from China tonight, I came across something I wrote dated 07.january.2010, almost a year ago, four days before I returned home from my time in China. I think its pretty cool, and so I think its should be shared to whoever will listen.

Perseverance (Matthew 7:7-11

“Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For each one who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you, if his son asks a loaf, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks a fish, will he give him a snake? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father in Heaven give good things to those who ask Him?”

In His Sermon on the Mount Jesus talked about the virtue of perseverance; firstly in its relevance to prayer, and then giving us motivation to persevere in our service to God.

The principle of perseverance (7-8)

“Keep on asking” and it will be given to you.

“Keep on looking” and it will be found.

“Keep on knocking” and the door will be opened.

Of course, what we’re given, what we find and what is opened to us are often things we don’t expect, or even don’t want at the time.

You can look at it like this

Asking – the first level of inquiry.

Seeking – a step up from just asking, putting an action to our inquiry.

Knocking – another step up, yet another more urgent action, putting perseverance to our action which we put to our inquiry.

And of course, Jesus is a good guy so He gives us a bit of motivation… (9-11)

One thing that continuously brings me to my knees about Jesus is how much of Father is really is. In this passage He actually compares His relationship to us to a father’s relationship to his son. And this isn’t a one off mention, a bribe, that’s actually the real deal – He loves us as His children. And that is a bit of a side note on my part but actually what Jesus is saying is that He wants to give us things, just like a father wants to give his son things when he asks for them. When I think about how much more of a Father He is than my earthly father, I can only imagine the gifts He has waiting for me.

There was a reading in my little book that said…

“How to get there:

Go to the end of the path until you get to the gate.

Go through the gate and head straight out towards the horizon.

Keep going towards the horizon.

Sit down and have a rest every now and again.

But keep on going.

Just keep on with it.

Keep on going as far as you can.

That’s how you get there.”

(day twenty-seven: 14.dec.09)

At the time, I thought it was really cool but didn’t really think about too too much. It came at the perfect time (of course it did, it’s Jesus). It was the exact halfway point of my time away. That was on the Monday of what would become a very testing week. It became the reading that I kept coming back to when things were tough, which was fairly often. I didn’t completely realise it at the time, but perseverance is exactly what this passage was talking about. I honestly think if Jesus was man today, this is exactly how He would have spoken Matthew 7. In such a short passage it mentions the words “keep going” four times, each becoming increasingly insistent. Keep going, keep on going, just keep on with it. Ask, seek, knock. Perseverance. (Another little side note: I love that it says “sit down and have a rest every now and then”, like Jesus is acknowledging that perseverance is really hard work. It’s not an easy walk [but when did God promise us an easy life?], that’s why the prize is so huge. He knows. He was human once too). He gives us a promise at the end: “that’s how you get there” – the prize. Yeah, we gotta go towards the horizon, what’s on the horizon? Often perseverance feels like the horizon, it’s never getting any closer, but it’s a journey. Or it feels like we can’t see what we’re walking towards. But that’s all part of it too. Sometimes perseverance is just putting one foot in front of the other, it’s saying “today, I’ll keep walking” --this is something I learnt over my time in China, but especially over the week that followed this reading in my book. Perseverance takes courage, it takes strength, it takes motivation and a heck of a lot of energy, but Jesus has promised us good things.

Pretty sweet find, huh?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

There Let Me Do

For this new day I give Three humble thanks:
for its gladness and its brightness;
for its long waiting to be filled with joyous and helpful labour;
for its open doors of possibility;
for its hope of new beginnings.

Quicken in my heart, I beseech Thee, the desire to avail myself richly of this day's opportunity.
Let me not break faith with any of yesterday's promises,
nor leave unrepaired any of yesterday's wrongs.
Let me see no fellow traveller in distress and pass by on the other side.
Let me leave no height of duty behind me unattempted,
nor any evil habit unassulted.

Where deed of mine can help to make this world a better place for men to live in,
where word of mine can cheer a despondent heart or brace a weak will,
where prayer of mine can hasten the coming of Christ's Kingdom,
there let me do.

There let me do.
What the heck is stopping me?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Hairy Hand

Between the whimper and the bang life is like a boomerang
thrown by some great hairy hand, spinning out across the land.
Spinning out across the years,
spinning lies and spinning tears.
Spinning heart and spinning brain,
spinning pleasure, spinning pain.
Spinning out and round,
and spinning back towards the ground.
A graceful loop across the land,
then back in the hairy hand.

No matter how many years,
how many lies,
how many tears,
how much heart or brain,
how much pleasure or pain I find outside the arms of the One who made me,
I will forever run back to Him.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Life Goal.

"If Christianity is to be spread in China, it must encounter Chinese culture and meld with it, enabling these two cultures, with their essential differences, to be mutually complementary."
Life goal.

I've struggled for a year how to put this into words. And finally, finally, someone put it so simply.