Sunday, February 19, 2012

Today was somewhat of a milestone.

I realised something today that I should have seen a long time ago.

I thought my life fell apart 8 months ago. In a way, it did. But in another way, it was just the next move. I was very close to somebody, and I thought when that person was in my life, I was a better person. In fact, I thought that I was the best person I could ever be. Who I was, was all there was ever going to be. But then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, that person disappeared, and I was left to fend for myself. To figure out if our dreams were my dreams. That took me a long long time. Maybe Im still figuring it out, I dont know. But today I realised something weird. That person showed me who I could be. But in their absence, I've started to see who I am. Who I am as a person, who I am in this world, who I am in God. And she's a different girl to the one a year ago, who thought all she could be was a small nurse with a suburban dream.

How exciting.