Sunday, November 27, 2011


I don't think I've ever had a vision. Or I don't think I have. I don't even know if I believe in visions as such. I don't really know what a "vision" is.

But last night something weird happened.

I was lying in bed, after coming home from Perth, in astonishing sadness and grief for the last few months of my life. Almost conversation like silent cries:

"I'm sad. It hurts."

But suddenly, through my ugliness, my brokenness, my tear stained face, Jesus was there. And he hugged me tightly and said:

"I know."

It wasn't a promise that he would solve everything. It wasn't a promise that tomorrow I'll be happy. It wasn't a promise that I would wake up and I would have everything I'd lost back.
It was just a reminder that Jesus knows me, and he is walking with me.

Yes, it still hurts some days.
Yes, I'm still sad some days.
Yes, I still long for a past time some days.
But last night, Jesus was with me, and reminded me that he never left.